The Rose Petal Cottage | 8:17 PM |
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I have been looking at this particular playhouse for a while now, long before Christmas last year. I have really wanted to get one for Chloe, for lots of different reasons really. So today when I saw it on clearance at Toysrus for 50% off I could not resist any longer, plus I had a fabulous coupon for $5 off. Don't I just love a bargain, like a true Utahan.
A little sibling rivalry | 10:56 PM |
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Wow, Phoebe is only ten months and she is all ready to jump in the ring with Chloe. This scene seems awfully familiar. It does not seem so long ago that I was having a go at it with Shelden or Kathie for some trivial trinket or toy. I guess it is like they say, history repeats itself. Can any of you guess who may have won this particular tug-o-war?
Nathan's Visit | 8:24 AM |
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My brother Nathan came out for a brief visit over Valentine's weekend. We had a good time hanging out with him. He spent the night over at our house on Thursday night after Jared picked him up from the airport. Him and Jared got into the computer "geek" talk way too soon after he arrived. On Friday Nathan had fun going to the dentist for his deep cleaning then he came back here and hung out with me and the kids for a bit. He picked up Phoebe off the floor to hold her and she was happy to sit on his knee. She usually screams bloody murder when she comes into contact with a stranger that is male. Then we gave Nat a ride down to his lovely storage unit, where he proceeded to work for hours by himself in the cold to unload the filthy place. Everything unfortunately was covered in a thick layer of grime and mouse droppings. He got the job done by himself in record time and proceeded to Mom's house for the rest of his stay here.
Chocolate Oreo Cake | 11:10 PM |
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Today I baked a cake. I saw this recipe in a magazine and just had to try it because it looked so tempting. It did turn out well for my first try, so I was proud of my self. The cake has a lot of visual appeal, but its not the most amazing thing I have ever tasted. Don't get me wrong, it was good but if I made it again I might make some changes.
Jared Says I will like this | 10:59 PM |
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I don't know much about blogging, but Jared tells me that I will like it. So I'm going to give it a try, talk about keeping up with the Jones's. ( Or the Knowltons.... whoever). I'm not totally sure what I'm going to blog about yet, but I'm thinking it will just come to me. Like creating art, a true artist does not know the destination until they arrive.