Chloe's Easy Bake Cake | 12:01 PM |
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Life keeps chugging along... | 8:44 PM |
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We moved Phoebe out of her crib this weekend. She kept climbing out and we were afraid she was going to hurt herself. Jared spent about an hour putting together her new toddler bed and she is so proud of it. She climbed right in and tucked herself in, it was very cute. When Chloe tried to get in on the action and climb into Phoebe's new bed, Phoebe got very possessive. Saturday night we put the girls to bed, later when Jared and I checked in on them they were curled up together, both asleep in Chloe's bed.
Building a Snowman | 5:15 PM |
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All dolled up for church | 5:34 PM |
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Its fun to have to little girls to dress up and fix there hair, as long as they will hold still that is. Its fun to put Phoebe's hair in two little pig tails because they make two perfect ringlets. Can't wait till our third gets here and then we will have three little girls to dress up and make pretty, how fun will that be. Better then barbie dolls.
Visit from an old friend. | 11:12 AM |
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Bounty of our Garden | 8:11 PM |
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Chloe had so much fun helping mommy and daddy harvest vegetables from the garden this evening. Poor Phoebe missed out on account of being too grumpy and being put to bed early. Chloe was so excited about each thing we took out of the dirt, and the smaller carrots she called little baby carrots and she held them gently cradled in her hands, before depositing them in the basket. Jared got down and dirty with a shovel and dug us up some potatoes. We had an onion and some zucchini too. Everything we need for making some potato soup for dinner tomorrow. This is our first year having a garden and it feels quite satisfactory to grow something all summer then finally reap the very yummy benefits of it.
Chloe's swim class | 2:05 PM |
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